Sunday, September 25, 2011

Week 3- Hardware

When people first see our product, they question whether this technology is even possible. Although we are still in the drawing-board phase for a few of the more intricate features of The Glass of Tomorrow, most of the technology already exists. It is just a matter of syncing the different hardware and software together to work seamlessly. The hardware for this product is key. Although it uses some of the same hardware as your standard PC, the glass is the essential material of this product.
Transparency is the most important thing in this newly visual world, so glass is imperative. Displays require materials that are flexible, durable, stable under the toughest of environmental conditions, and have a cool, touch-friendly aesthetic. This product requires materials that are strong, yet thin and lightweight, that can enable complex electronic circuits and nano functionality, that can scale for very large applications, and that are also environmentally friendly. Besides this advanced hardware, The Glass of Tomorrow also utilizes basic hardware still, such as a CPU and RAM.
Many of the features of The Glass of Tomorrow requires that the device be interoperable, giving it the ability to share data between different computer systems, especially on different machines. Near-field communication will soon make all of this easier to carry out. Such real-time information also depends on communications networks with massive bandwidth capacity. Although a lot of the hardware involved is still in the working, it will definitely be able to be mass-produced in the near future.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Week 2- Privacy in the Social World

In this day and age, social media is a vital part of any company’s successful growth and expansion. If your product is not on Facebook, Twitter, blogs, and various other social media websites, your product might as well not exist. In the same way, everything that was once on paper is now electronic. Newspapers, books, calendars, address books, bills, banking statements, etc., are all online. While the possibilities are endless with this new technological breakthrough, the worries about online privacy have risen drastically. With a product like the Glass of Tomorrow, online privacy is definitely an issue to consider.
With the intricate features of the Glass of Tomorrow, people will wonder how they can use everything that it has to offer while still keeping their privacy in tact. Since this glass reacts to any phone that is put on it, people will wonder how secure the VPN connection is when they send confidential documents from their home to their office, or when they send pictures to their family. In order to ensure that our customers are fully protected, there will be a series of privacy settings put into place. There will be firewalls and SSL connections that make communication on the Internet safe and secure. There will be strong data encryption to keep hackers away, and everything will be on a virtual private network to ensure that people are able to communicate in the social world but still keep their privacy secure. Just like on Facebook and Twitter, our customers will have privacy settings that they can adjust themselves, and they will be updated constantly to make sure their security is at its highest capacity.
With the Glass of Tomorrow’s capabilities, businesses can have interactive meetings through this glass without having to worry about their information getting out into the public eye. People can access their bills from the surface of their mirror without worrying about identity theft or leakage of information. Privacy is of vital importance to this product, and in order to ensure its success, we will take every opportunity we can to keep our customers feeling safe and secure. 

Sunday, September 11, 2011

The Glass of Tomorrow

As technology advances, products can now do more and more for less: Less money, less space, less hardware… But wouldn’t it be nice if there was no hardware at all? Wouldn’t it be convenient if the mirror in your bathroom was a TV, a calendar, the news, and the weather all in one? Wouldn’t it be convenient if you could sync your phone with your countertop, and have your messages on the same surface as your stove, as you surf the web? With The Glass of Tomorrow, this is all possible.
With technology changing from hardware to all software, everything in life can now be accessed anywhere there is a flat surface. This interactive glass can be anywhere from your home, to your workplace, to your car, to stores… the possibilities are endless. The categories of glass would include appliance veneer, automotive display, large format display, photovoltaic, LCD TV, architectural surface, wall format display, etc. It would be thermally durable, ultra thin, highly efficient, have advanced functionality, and be weather resistant. There is truly nothing this glass won’t be able to do.
In today’s day and age, nothing is more important to a new product than getting its name out to the media. A product could be the most innovative thing out there, but if no one knows about it, it will go nowhere. As part of the media-boosting plan for The Glass of Tomorrow, the product will use online social networks, including a Facebook page and a Twitter account. They will implement a web publishing system, in which they will have their very own website to encourage discussions and feedback.
Each social media tool has their own very crucial purpose to the success of The Glass of Tomorrow. The Facebook page is to generate a fan base and establish an audience for the product. The Twitter page is to keep followers of the product up to date with new information and updates to keep interest up. The website will serve as the key source of background and information about the product, as well as a blog where buyers or followers of the product can offer feedback. This is important so that The Glass of Tomorrow can continue to flourish and change as necessary, keeping up with the wants and needs of the consumer.
With the amount of people on Facebook and Twitter today, if the Glass of Tomorrow could generate interest there, they will be well on their way to becoming the most wanted technological product on the market today.